Desktop instructions:
Please log in to your account with the email address you used during your purchase as your login:
Once you log in, you should land on your dashboard. Select ‘My Audio Library’ located on the left-hand side of the screen under your name:
This will take you to your audio library with your downloadable purchases. Select a tab to be taken to your purchased products in that category (Meditations, Audiobooks, Audio Lectures, or Music):
Alternatively, you can search your audio library for your purchase product by product title:
Once you find the purchased product you wish to download, select View:
This will take you to the streaming/download page for that product. You can download the MP3 files of your purchase by clicking the Download button:
When downloading the files to a laptop/computer, you will either be asked where you want to download your file, or it will automatically download to your default download folder depending on the settings in your browser.
Please note: Since some of our files are quite large, we recommend that you download one file at a time to avoid any download issues.
Mobile Device Instructions:
1. First, you will need to login to your account. To do this, please click the three lines
located at the top right corner of your screen:
2. After you click the three lines in the top right corner, you will then select Log In. Once
on the login page, please login to your account with the email address you used when you
completed your purchase:
3. After you login, you should be taken to your account dashboard. Please select where it
says Dashboard:
4. Select My Audio Library
5. This will take you to your audio library with your downloadable purchases. Select a tab to be taken to your purchased products in that category (Meditations, Audiobooks, Audio Lectures, or Music):
6. Alternatively, you can search your audio library for your purchased product by product title:
7. Once you find the purchased product you wish to download, select View:
8. This will take you to the streaming/download page for that product. You can download the MP3 files of your purchase by clicking the Download button:
9. For instructions on how to download the files to your mobile device, we believe the following article may be helpful:
Product – How do I download my digital products to my mobile device?
Hopefully, this article is helpful. Contact Us if you need further assistance.