At this time, our the products located in the Digital Products section of your account download as MP4 files. However, you should receive an email in addition to your order confirmation email at the time of purchase with a link to download your digital product purchases as MP3.
If you do choose to download your purchases from the Digital Products section of your account, but want the files as MP3 files, the following are instructions to convert the downloaded MP4 files to MP3 files using iTunes.
The following are the steps to follow for converting MP4 files to MP3 files using iTunes.
Step 1
Open iTunes.
Step 2
Drag and drop the MP4 music files you want to convert to MP3 into iTunes. Alternatively, you can add the files through the File menu (File > Add File to Library > Choose the file you want to add).
Step 3
Open iTunes preferences (Edit > Preferences), select the "General" settings tab and click the "Import Settings" button.
Step 4
From the "Import Settings" menu next to "Import Using", select the "MP3 Encoder".
Step 5
Click "OK" to apply this change.
Step 6
Click "OK" to exit iTunes preferences.
Step 7
Navigate to the Songs section of iTunes (the next step will not work from the Recently Added section).
Step 8
Hold the "Command" key and click the MP4 music files you want to convert to MP3 in order to highlight the files simultaneously. Then click "File" > "Convert" and choose "Create MP3 Version." When the conversion is complete, MP3 versions will appear below the original MP4 music files in your iTunes library. You can then transfer the MP3 files to your iPod, iPad, iPhone, or other Apple device.